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The summer girl

                       Someone is dishing out
                       summer holiday fun.
                       One thousand and one
                       brilliant things to do
                       on those guarenteed sun filled days.
                       and whose that girl on the top shelf
                       with very little on?
                       She's above the tabloids
                       and their red hot exclusives.
                       Who is that girl
                       with the perfect features
                       erotica on glossy cover
                       just out of reach
                       of the must have weeklies
                       for great sex and counting calories
                       with our easy guide
                       to delicious cooking
                       and something's burning
                       in Somalia
                       and genocide across in Bosnia
                       forget that touch of melacholia
                       with the latest from the soap operas
                       and who is that girl
                       on the top shelf?
                       Have her now
                       for youself!
                       It's just a little haemless porno
                       Graphic details of another murder
                       killed in cold blood at the counter
                       a high tech printout
                       brain disturbance
                       and you're the buyer..........

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